Gourmet Pens Club
Hello! Welcome to the Gourmet Pens Club podcast! This is a collective of creators and callings that bring us together. We'll be chatting about fountain pens and other tools, inks, papers, pen shows, pen friends, and more. Please join us with your favorite pen and notebook, doodle along as we chat; let's hang out!
Gourmet Pens Club
Episode 34 - Paper Talk
Gourmet Pens Club
Episode 34
Hello jello! Diving right into the new year by bombarding you with paper, and of course touching on some new acquisitions and #pickofthepencase :)
- Candace’s new acquisition
- Kaweco Perkeo
- Kaweco ink cartridge
- Candace’s pick of the pen case
- Platinum Perpanep
- Platinum Chou Kuro
For video version of the audio file:
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