Gourmet Pens Club
Hello! Welcome to the Gourmet Pens Club podcast! This is a collective of creators and callings that bring us together. We'll be chatting about fountain pens and other tools, inks, papers, pen shows, pen friends, and more. Please join us with your favorite pen and notebook, doodle along as we chat; let's hang out!
Gourmet Pens Club
Episode 08 - Frankenpens, pen meets, and packaging!
Gourmet Pens Club
Episode 8
Welcome to 2023 with the Gourmet Pens Club! In this episode, we talk about new year's resolutions, pen meets, pen packaging, and putting together "frankenpens"!
- Candace’s Procyon Frankenpen
- Candace's knife handle
- Flexible Nib Factory Adapters
- Toronto Pen’s N Pints
- Jim and Rachel Crawford’s Cat Athena’s Fundraiser
- Pensloth’s GP Exclusive Nibs - restock coming soon!
- #FontofInkspiration
- What niggles your nib - packaging - thanks for the suggestion, Leah!
- Etelburg pen packaging options